I have too many notebooks. I'm a fanatic when it comes to bound paper. I enter a book store and make a beeline for the journals. After a couple of trips, they really start to pile up.
But take a look at my stock and you'll notice not a single one is similar. That's because every one of my notebooks serves a unique purpose. Each one is special for something.
Come, I'll show you.
My art journal is fairly new to the family. In it, I record inspiring lyrics and quotes, write whimsical poems, and paste captivating illustrations, pictures, and prints. Its name is Linkshänder - a German word for 'left-handed'. As a fellow lefty, I find there is more to the word than just physical use. To me, the word evokes thoughts of creativity, passion, and individuality - words that I find fitting to the journal's purpose.
This is my sketchbook. You may ask what the difference between my art journal and it is, but let me tell you, they are quite different. Here I am free to create. With an abundance of blank paper, I can sketch anything, write anything, design anything. My art journal, on the other hand, has a limited number of pages - a precious amount that must not be spared. In fact, I often practice what I will 'publish' in my art journal in my sketchbook first. Think of it as the rough draft of the art journal, and then some.
This little guy is one of my favorites. It's small, it has great paper, and the sound a filled page makes when I turn it is absolutely appeasing. Usually I make lists - to do lists, wish lists, lists of my goals and dreams - but sometimes I roughly sketch a camera or the New York skyline.
My beloved journal. Keeper of all my deepest secrets, hopes and dreams, and vague narrations of everyday life. It's a Chronicle Books notebook, which I highly recommend checking out.
My moleskine. If you do not own one, please, just - get out. And don't come back until you do. Seriously people, these things are amazing. I can't explain why - they just are. Trust me. Mine almost never leaves my presence. I doodle, I write, I plan, I list - I live in my moleskine. I seriously go through five pages of this notebook a day. It has become a part of me, people.
This is yet another Chronicle Books product. I purchased it at a local Anthropologie a few months ago. It's not your average planner. No, rather than a monthly preview and maybe an address page towards the end, this planner has a doodle page, a notes page, a daily plan page, another notes page, and so much more - and it repeats for every day. I love it.
My blog book is really just as it sounds. Before I write a post, I jot down my ideas. I like to say I'm a much better writer with a pen than a keyboard.
Last but not least, my word book. I'm a writer, and a nerd. I cross a word I don't know and write it down here. Simple as that.
So there you have it. My family of notebooks. Each one serving a very important purpose. How many do you have?
About the writer