Monday, July 29, 2013

layers | a thoughtful thought

Everyone has more than one self. Some have so many, it's hard to tell which one is who they really are. It's like an onion; having to peel away each layer of pretense to reach one's center. It's true that we all act differently around different people or in different situations. Say things to someone that we wouldn't say to another. Be someone else just because we can. But we shouldn't have to dig a tunnel so deep that it's hard to find our core. Because if you lose your core, your center, who you are--all you have left is a husk.
We act like the people we want and think we should try to be. But oftentimes, these people are not who we are.

It's so important that we embrace where we came from and take the opportunities that allow us to be who we are and nothing less. Learn from those around us; learn from our own mistakes. We choose the people that we want to become; but we should never force our pieces into a puzzle we don't fit. Never try to be someone we're not. Because if we do, we'll never see the big picture as we should.

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