Friday, August 17, 2012

days two and three | the nursery

Tracy is an avid gardener. There's no other way to describe it. She can spend HOURS weeding and planting; she claims it's her 'playtime'. Her gardens (notice the plural) are absolutely phenomenal. It's like walking into wonderland. Name any flower, vegetable, fruit or herb- she's got it. So naturally, after running some errands, she was all for heading over to the plant nursery to scope out some deals and bring some more color home.

On the way to the nursery...
this camera has literally been glued to my hands since I got here. We are inseparable.

This week we have a policy: every day I give Tracy a new braid.

 wrap around side french braid

Testing out the new tripod.

sometimes pictures are blurry. and that's ok. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the aunt and uncle's | day one

For the next six days, I will be getting some R & R at my aunt and uncle's (Tim & Tracy for future reference). With two German Shepherds, a house cat, five chickens, koi fish, and a garden/backyard the size of Alaska, I don't think I'll run out of things to do. Especially when I get to fiddle around with Tracy's Nikon DSLR... enjoy the pictures to come!

I get to wake up to this awesome view every morning.

Tracy calls this 'modern still life'. You know, cause instead of a fruit bowl-- you get T.V. remotes.

These two are most definitely my favorites.